Community Outreach Events
From early on and throughout the entire planning process, the Reimagine Russell Boulevard team will collaborate with community members, local and regional stakeholders, and you to ensure the plan's vision and goals reflect community values. Check this page for information about upcoming and previous community outreach events!
Previous Events
Virtual Community Workshop #3 (February 8, 2022)
The third Virtual Community Workshop for Reimagine Russell Boulevard was held on Tuesday, February 8th with 71 community members in attendance via Zoom. The workshop recapped where we've been, provided updates on the concept alternatives and shared the placemaking and urban design concept alternatives for Russell Boulevard.

Phase 2: Design
Virtual Community Workshop #2 (October 6, 2021)
Based on initial insights from the first public workshop, the project team developed draft corridor design concepts that strive to improve operations and safety for all modes of travel along Russell Boulevard. In addition, the project team worked to integrate placemaking and green infrastructure elements throughout the corridor. The workshop started with a presentation on the draft design concepts for Russell Boulevard, followed by a small group interactive sessions to gather feedback.
The second Virtual Community Workshop for Reimagine Russell Boulevard was attended by 104 community members.
A recording of this meeting is available to the right.
Online Community Survey #2 (October - November 2021)
The second Reimagine Russell Community Survey provided an opportunity for community members to review the presentation and materials from the second Virtual Community Workshop. The survey was open from October 10 - November 12 for community members to participate in at their own convenience. The feedback collected from 300 participants will help the project team refine the concepts from the Reimagine Russell Boulevard Corridor Plan.
Phase 1: Existing Conditions & Visioning
Virtual Community Workshop (April 28, 2021)
The City and project team heard from 175 community members during the first Reimagine Russell Virtual Community Workshop in April 2021. The workshop served to introduce the project and provide a forum for community members to share their experiences on Russell Boulevard and vision for its future.
A recording of this meeting is available to the right.
Online Community Questionnaire (April - May 2021)
The first Reimagine Russell Online Community Questionnaire provided an opportunity for community members to share how they currently travel on Russell Boulevard and what would make their experience better. The questionnaire was open from April 29 - May 13 for community members to participate in at their own convenience. The feedback collected from 590+ participants will help inform the project team develop concepts for the Reimagine Russell Boulevard Corridor Plan.