Reimagine Russell Boulevard is a City of Davis, UC Davis, and Yolo County joint planning and conceptual design effort to address a 3-mile stretch of Russell Boulevard from B Street to County Road 98. The purpose of the project is to develop a comprehensive vision for this corridor, including improvements to multimodal transportation facilities, stormwater infrastructure, and community landscape spaces.

Russell Boulevard Corridor Vision Plan (Draft May 2022)

Virtual Community Workshop #3 (February 8, 2022)
The third Virtual Community Workshop for Reimagine Russell Boulevard was held on Tuesday, February 8th with 71 community members in attendance via Zoom. The workshop recapped where we've been, provided updates on the concept alternatives and shared the placemaking and urban design concept alternatives for Russell Boulevard.
Serving as a vital east-west arterial in the City of Davis and a primary western gateway to both the City and University, Russell Boulevard plays a critical role in the community’s multimodal transportation system.
The purpose of the Russell Boulevard Corridor Plan (“Reimagine Russell”) is to determine a comprehensive and community-based vision for the corridor. This vision will be supported by best practices in street design, landscape and gateway guidelines, and conceptual plans. Ultimately, the Plan will identify ways the County, City, and University can address safety concerns and provide enhanced connections.


Through a yearlong public engagement process, design work, and operational analysis, the project team will produce a streetscape master plan, including a conceptual design and streetscape standards for the corridor. Integrating multimodal transportation improvements, green infrastructure, and placemaking, Reimagine Russell Boulevard envisions a lively, green boulevard that is comfortable for people of all ages and abilities and reflects the innovative spirit of Davis.